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Malcolm Millard Mgm Haulage Flextord, Southampton
Its a desporatc situation at the moment and it's getting worse," says Millard a veteran of the haulage industry who specialises in moving classic cars and trucks. "In......
Charles Burke Irs Engineering Rhondda Valley "we...
truck stops not just on motorways but on A-roads too," says Burke, a truck dealer who also runs one vehicle of his own. "They need to be government-owned sites. It would be nice......
Kevin Brooke Managing Director Fleetmaster Operational...
days. Brooke specialises in driver training and providing agency drivers, but he cut his teeth driving on the Continent. "Dryers are treated with a lot more respect there," he......
John Hunt Driver John English Coventry Hunt Is Convinced...
is a desperate need for new rest areas but he believes a better way John Hunt forward might be for the government to carry out the compulsory purchase of land surrounding......
Ed Pargeter Director, Ep Training Leatherhead, Surrey...
an absolutely super idea" says Pargeter, a training specialist. "I use the M40 quite a lot and normally stop at Warwick services. It's always completely full up with trucks." He......
Martin Barnes Project Manager Logistical Support Services...
"They're almost non-existent," he says. "If you aren't in a motorway service area by about 4pm they're almost always full. There's almost no real provision for rest areas in......