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Decision In Packham Case
QIR ARNOLD MUSTO, Western OLicensing Authority, has announced his decision on the keenly contested application by A. Packharn and Co., Ltd., the hearing of which was reported in......
Information On Welding The Electric Welding Sections Of...
Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, which have worked in close co-operation with Government Departments, are to carry on the information service set up during the......
Bus As Travelling Youth
CLUB A TRAVELLING youth club, in a converted bus, has started oit a useful life in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Equipped as a normal clubroom, the bus has a sewing......
Ready Reckoner For • Rates A Ready Reckoner For...
haulage rates varying from -2s. per ton to 20s. per ton has been prepared in chart form by M.T.D. Technical Art Service, Ltd., St. Mary's Chambers, St. Mary's Gate, Derby. The......
Ask The Men Who Know
” jF I wanted to know of a good I doctor, I should go to his patients (those who were still alive) and ask them. If I wanted to know of a good lawyer, I should go to his clients......
The Trader's Angle Naerseys1de Branch Of The...
Mil hold a meeting at the Stork Hotel, Liverpool, on January ' 27, at 6.30 - p.m., at which Mr. R. R. J. Pitnnnier will speak on "A Trader's View on Presentday Road Transport."......
Ford's New Interest
THE entire share capital of Kelsey ' Hayes Wheel -Co., Ltd., which was exclusively held in America, has been acquired by the Ford Motor Co., 'Ltd. The bulk of the company's......
More Haulage Appeals
FURTHER hearings by the Appeal I Tribunal under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, are announced. On January 30, the Tribunal will-consider the appeal of the Service Food Co.,......
Big New Works For N.c.b.
A FTER inspecting a number of sites, Northein Coachbuilders, Ltd-, ClaremontRoad, Newcastle-on-Tyne, has decided to open a factory on the Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead.......
Rebates For Big Tyre Users
THE Tyre Manufacturers' Conference announces that, after January 31, it will not be possible to accept user rebate agreements applicable to the first annual period, which ends......
Red Tape Ties Up Traffic
A T a meeting of Cheltenham Traffic Committee it was stated that the Ministry of Transport had many times been urged to expedite confirmation of various Orders submitted to it......