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Manchester Chamber Wants 100-mile Radius
A SPECIAL committee of Matichester Chamber of Commerce, which has been examining the Transport Bill, has expressed its fears that the 25-mile.litriit on the operations of......
' Transport Managers Get Together.
T HE second annual dinner and dance of the Transport Managers' Club (London Area), held on January 15 at the Connaught Rooms, was an interesting and enjoyable function,......
Mr, Harris Issues A Denial I N A Letter To Us From Mr, M. W.
Harris, he points out that a reeenl statement by the Nationai Association of Road Transport Groups, published in its second annual report, to the effect that " Mr. W.......
Birmingham Sub-area Of The Road Haulage Association Will...
dinnerdance at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on January 31. BARRING SLOGANS ON' I ENVELOPES DECENTLY the use on envelopes of L‘a Conservative slogan was forbidden. A similar "......
Bristol Chamber Condemns Bill
T HE view that freedom for traders is essential both in the use of their own vehicles and the selection of the form of transport most appropriate to their businesses was......