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Lorry Had To Wait Five Weeks To Cross Firth
A COMMITTEE is to be set up by / - "Y Rothesay Town Council to discuss with the L.M.S. Railway Co. the provision of a special vehicular ferry service between Rothesay and Wemyss......
Flow Production Of Trusts' Tractor
T RUSTY tractors are now being assembled on the belt system by Tractors (London), Ltd., Bentley -Heath, Barnet, Herts. By accelerating production in this tray, the management......
Scope For " Outside – Repairers
H OW far can motor engineering concerns, which specialize in complete engine reconditioning, be useful to the wad-transport indusuy? This question was raised at a recent meeting......
Bradfords Built In India
A £100.000 factory near Bombay is planned by Motor House (Gujarat), Ltd., which assembles and distributes Jowett vehicles, and handles American vehicles made by the Henry Kaiser......
16,500 New Vehicles
A PART from cars and motorcycles, 16,447 vehicles were registered for the first time in November, 1946. The following table shows new registrations by classes:—......
Mr. Robertson Welcomes Change To Oilers
WF EN Munro's Road Transport Co., M I ounthooly, applied, at Aberdeen, for licences to COVel' an increase of 6 tons in unladen weight caused by a change-over from petrol to......
Five-day Week Catches On Three More Manufacturers In The,...
vehicle industry have introduced the five-day week. They are Specialloid, Ltd., Guy Motors, Ltd.. and Simms Motor Units, Ltd. The works and offices of Specialloid, Ltd., at......
Men On The Ground Have Their Say
B EFORE the war Mansfields, Ltd., operated a management and staff liaison scheme, under which monthly meetings were held of a committee consisting of - directors and......
Fork Trucks For London Docks
A CONTRACT has been placed by the Port of London Authority with I.T.D., Ltd. 29, Palace Gate, London, W,S, for the supply of the new British fork-lift truck called the......