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• The New Erf Cab Has Returned The Marque To
the limelight, but many operators are still getting good service from earlier models. We went to Normand Commercials at Greenford to see how an eight-year-old B6 is bearing up......
The Rear Brake Linings Are Inspected Through The Holes At
the bottom of the brake plate. Although this vehicle had around 12mm of lining left, the shoes needed changing. The rivets retaining the linings have heads nearly 10mrn thick,......
The Only Way To Ensure A Long And Reliable Life
from the ERF is to keep every bearing well greased. All the nipples are the hexagonal slide-on type, and grease must be pumped into bearings such as these shackles until fresh......
The Slack Adjuster On The Nearside Rear Of This Particular
vehicle was sluggish in its return, but slack in the brake actuator shackle pin showed that the stiffness lay in the brake shaft. This must be greased with no more than one shot......
A Lever Through One Of The Cooling Holes In A
front wheel will show up any play in the kingpins, once the wheel has been lifted off the deck of the ramp. These front wheels fell with a hefty clonk as the vehicle was lifted,......