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Vectis Forced To Share
• The Office of Fair Trading has told Southern Vectis that it must share one of its bus stations at Newport on the Isle of Wight, or face the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.......
Gardner Power Is Neoplan Winner
• A Gardner-powered Neoplan Skyliner has been voted coach of the year by the National Federation of Bus and Coaches, Belgium. The award was presented by Belgium Minister of......
London Country North East Loses Three Routes
• Staff shortages, maintenance difficulties and a strike have led to London Country Bus (North East) losing the contracts for three key routes — 292......
• Labour Mp Gwy, Nneth Dunwoody Has Asked For An
inquiry into the safety record of Carlton PSV, following its acquisition of Yelloway and SUT fleets, David Mitchell, for the Government, told Dunwoody in a written answer "The......