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• The Hawk This Week Pays Tribute To The Aussie
bicentennial celebrations and those denizens of the outback who haul Australia's goods from one end of the continent to the other. Ken Whitehead (right), an operator from Perth,......
• Sir Peter Thompson — Chairman Of The Employeeowned...
Freight Consortium — likens himself to the patriach of a large family. Sometimes, however, it's hard to see if that family more closely resembles the Waltons or the Corleones.......
• A Nine-hour Performance Of A Poem, The Mahabharta, Written
500 years BC and telling "the epic story of mankind" is being sponsored by Renault Trucks. The production, in Glasgow's Museum of Transport, lasts more than three days. Renault......
• The Hawk Is Renowned For His Ability To Search
out even the most hidden secrets, but here is a real conundrum. It involves Chris Mason, the managing director of Volvo Trucks' distributor Carlisle Commercials. Arriving at......
In Freight Carrier Eurapid Managed To Side-step The...
caused by the recent seamen's strike — by moving everything by air. The company chartered an Air UK F27 capable of carrying 5,200kg to make two return trips to Maastricht in......
• This Year's Seddon Atkinson Gathering, On Sunday 22 May,
looks set to be even bigger than last year's, when 103 of the company's pre-1975 models were on show. The event, at the British Commercial Vehicle Museum in Leyland, Lancashire,......