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• By Karen Mlles The Uncertainty Surrounding The...
freight sector looks set to continue foltowing RaiItrack's expected failure this week to make a decision on future development. Today's 125 March) publication of RaiItrack's......
• Dublin's Director Of Traffic, Owen Keegan, Got A Taste
of a trucker's life when a bus tour he took of traffic troublespots met a monumental vehicle snarl-up. The IRHA's Dublin branch organised the trip; but the bus ran into an......
Width Decides The Tax Rating
IV Trucks carrying loads more than 43m wide must now be taxed at £5,170 per year regardless of their gross vehicle weight. The new ruling follows a decision in the High Court......
It Could Be You—in Pink
• Management and staff at a Manchester recovery firm are to settle their differences on TV, Full Monty-style—with a load of balls, The six drivers employed by Manchester......