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25th March 1999, Page 24
25th March 1999
Page 24
Page 24, 25th March 1999

Deaf Ears

The Drivers Action Movement supports any driver who wants to improve the road haulage industry. Unfortunately, as many others have experienced before, appealing to politicians......

Road Charges

While spending millions to promote the mostly unwanted Euro, the Government is considering a new range of taxes on motorists: car parking levies, tolls on motorways, VAT on......

It All Began In 1968

In reply to H Gee's letter ( CM1117 March) I would suggest the real problems in this industry started with Harold Wilson's Labour Government and his transport minister Barbara......

Dot Queries

Having read the article in today's CM(18-24 March) regarding Eastern European hauliers, I am moved to ask a question or two of the officials at the Department of Transport. What......

Unfair Offers I Have Noticed Recently That You Are Starting

to highlight the problems of Eastern bloc hauliers (CM18-24 March), but I think maybe you have left it too late. I am pretty sure the damage has already been done, but then......