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Late start-09:00hrs. Catch up on correspondence—mull over plans for a new depot. All paperwork/CMRs filed, invoices sent, tachographs analysed, fuel reports completed and wages......
Visit an auction in Doncaster to look for a yard shunter and to see how prices in the market are holding. Relatively new large fleet for sale—speculation over VED rates did......
Starts with a call at 01:40hrs—a driver is struck down with food poisoning. Manage to cover job and meet 07:00hrs delivery. Go to office to go through mail and tidy desk before......
The most hectic day of the week. Run through final draft of driver manual which is now ready to produce. Meeting with managing director of Darlington Commercials to discuss......
Leave the office to take Link 2 for service and collect Link 1 for an 09:00hrs test. The vehicle passes. While at the test station I try and make some sense of the legislation......