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After A Night In A Lorry...
TALKING about things being too easy to join William Wolfe, chairman of the Scottish National Party and principal guest at the ETA's Scottish Region dinner last week, said that......
Wine Ways
CLEMENT FREUD, the chap who, before they made him an MP, used to appear with Henry, the bloodhound, on Telly, started an unusual competition a few years back, which seems to......
Useful, Frank But Closed
LAST WEEK'S BAR conference in London was in the typical BAR mould — a fashion now being copied by others. There were no golf outings or visits to the local textile mills — well,......
'hello Daddy!'
FRANK TINSDALE, the Magirus Deutz British md, got a mild shock last week at about 30,000ft He was making one of his not irregular trips to West Germany, this time accompanying......
Oom Pa Pa
THIS industry of ours has seen many changes over the years, but one part of the establishment that remains constant is the brass band. The Foden Motor Works Band, which I......