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L.t.e. Concession On Routemaster Plan
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ONDON TRANSPORT made yet 1 —+ another concession last week in a final effort to get agreement with its busmen and to get £1,000,000 worth of......
New Liverpoo I Bus Garage
'THE new seven-acre bus garage for I Liverpool Transport started operation recently. Situated half way between Liverpool and Kirkby, the garage is designed to operate services......
Rochdale Bonus Talks Continue L Ast Week The Rochdale...
transport committee again went into the question of payment of a service bonus to their bus crews, referred back to them by the establishment committee, who disagreed with the......
More Double-deck Coaches Scheduled
W INTER schedules for London Transport's Country Bus and Green Line services started on Wednesday, October 24. On 10 routes 26-seater GS type buses have been replaced by......