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R.h.a. Conference Resolutions
IAST Thursday, the executive com.!—+ Mittee of the Rodd Haulage Association considered the resolutions debated at the R.H.A. annual conference which was held at Bournemouth last......
Tipper Operators' Association Dinner L _ Ast Week, The...
and District Tipper Operators' Association held its first annual dinner. The guests were welcomed by the chairman of the A s sociation, Mr. R. Wilson. _ . The Association was......
To Leave Pickfords I‘ar. Duncan H. Foulds, D.s.c.,
is relinquishing in the near future his appointments with British Road Services as the divisional manager, Pickfords Division, and director of B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd.......
Traffic Census Book A S A Result Of Five Years' Research
by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, a book called "50-Point Traffic Census—the First Five Years" was published last week. In 1956, a series of traffic......
T.c.c.seeks More Members
T HE Traders' Co-ordinating Committee on Transport is seeking new member organizations to enable it to increase the Committee's influence: Present membership comprises 81......
Standardizing Freight Containers A Committee Of The...
up last year to deal with the standardization of freight containers, hopes to establish a range which will be interchangeable with different forms of transport all over the......
New T.r.t.a. Branch The Traders' Road Transport...
set up a branch on the River Tees. An inaugural meeting of the new branch was held at Stockton-on-Tees on Thursday, when Mr_ S. S. Robson (chairman, Northern Division) presided.......
Lorry Driver Contest Changes?
A NUMBER of changes are being suggested for the 1963 Lorry Driver of the Year competition. They will be considered by the National Council earl, next year, An investigation is......
E.e.c. Transport Discussions T Ransport Appears In Two...
agenda for the next plenary session of the European Parliament (the '.' House of Commons" of the European Economic Community) when it isleld in Stxasbourg from November 19 , 23.......
France Liberalizes Transport Controls T He French...
. that as of Noveniber 1 it is to cease requiring transportation authorization for certain loads crOSsing the Frerich border from other member countries of the Common Market,......
Switzerland Eases Rules T Heswiss Government Has Signed...
agreements with regard to the temporary import of goods, by which the transport into Switzerland of commodities covered by the Carnet ATA for temporary imports and other items......
Newcastle Speed Limits F Ollowing A Public Inquiry. Mr....
to raise from 30 m.p.h. to 40 the speed limit on three lengths of road across the Town Moor in Newcastle upon Tyne. , This is the first occasion on which the Minister has......