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Objections To R.h.(73)—closing Date November 2
T HE proposals prepared by the Road Haulage Wages Council have now been issued in Notice R.H.(73) and any representations with respect to them received by November 2 will he......
Labour In The C Ommon Market
A REDUCTION in the existing "hours-pattern," limitation of total overtime in the year, restriction of night running and elimination of Sunday working—in line with the Treaty. of......
Wages Force Up U.s. Haulage Rates H Auliers In New York
State and New Jersey are to apply to the U.S. Inter-State Commerce Commission for authority to raise carriage charges by 15 to 20 per cent, following wage increases. A......
Busy Session For Ministry
From Our Political Correspondent T HE Ministry of Transport enters the 1962-63 session of Parliament with no major legislation on the stocks, but with plenty of work to do just......
Block Renewals T He National Council Of The Traders Road...
Association is next Tuesday to consider a recommendation that it proceed no further with its efforts to secure concessions from the Ministry of Transport to enable large fleet......