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Itruggle For Priority With Apathetic Users
!UTHAMPTON City Transport general manager Bill Lewis wribed the struggle for the development of bus priorities ice the early 1960's when he presented the paper for discussion......
Scots Get Zone Card
SCOTTISH Bus Group corn pany Alexander (Midland) ha introduced zonal travel card! in its Stirling "zone" in a bid t( increase the off bus sales o tickets. The zonal tickets,......
GREATER Manchester Transport is to launch a new Satur. day shoppers bus service tc link the major stores ir Manchester's spread out cen. tre. Known as Centrelink 5 the new......
Acelift For Victoria
■ TIONAL Travel (NBC) Ltd has planned a major facelift to prove facilities at Victoria Coach Station London. [he planned changes will include a large travel office, left gage......
Lunting Passengers
iland Red is to launch yet ather of its 'tailor made demised bus networks folring a market analysis prot in the Nuneaton and ickly area of Warwickshire. 'he new, improved, local......