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Bus Stop Decisions
AN APPLICATION to relocate an Alder Valley stage carriage bus top to a busy shopping street in a Reading shopping centre has been granted by the South Eastern Traffic......
One Price Frozen
ONE BUS travel bargain not going up in price this year is the National Bus Company "Wanderbus" Ltd. "Wanderbus" gives virtually unlimited travel on NBC subsidiary companies in......
Workshop Wonders
SOUTHAMPTON City Trar sport's new workshop block E its Portswood Depot redev( lopment was officially opene by the chairman of Hampshir County Council Lynton White last week. The......
Personal Benefits
COACH insurance specialis Chapman Stevens of Woobm Green, Buckinghamshire 111 added a scheme for person accident insurance to its coac insurance portfolio. The scheme covers......
Parish Cut Fare Plan
TOWCESTER Parish Council (Northants) is looking into t possibility of starting a half-fare concessionary bus scher whch could be operational by late summer. Three other schemes......