27th April 1979, Page 5
27th April 1979
Page 5

Page 5, 27th April 1979
Ifc's E20m Profit Iew Record Return
LE National Freight Corporation made a record trading profit £20.1m on a gross turnover of £407m in 1978. After deduction £9.2m in pension and redundancy payments and £10.6m......
Costly Schemes
THE NATIONAL Bus Corn , pany has claimed that more bus traffic schemes could save the company millions GI pounds by easing traffit congestion. Speaking earlier this wedt at......
Kyatollah Brings An Ind To Nfc In Iran
E IRANIAN activities of the NFC are all but folded up. Mr K. ok, the Corporation's Director of Technical and Overseas Fairs said this week that just after Easter the Iranian......