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Switch On To Switch Off
AN ENERGY CONSERVATION programme launched in November 1973 by Perkins Engines of Peterborough, has helped the company save nearly one million gallons of fuel oil. The company......
York Expects A Good Year
IN SPITE of York Trailer's Corby plant being on short time the company's chairman, Mr F. W. Davies, expects profits for '1974 to be not less than the 1973 record figure of......
Mis Parcels Trailers Order
BRS PARCELS LTD has ordered 150 more Scammell automatic coupling units; 20 8.5 metres automatics are leaving Scammell's Hoveringham factory each week to operate between the 80......
Reliant Interest
A REDUCED interest rate of 91/2 per cent is being offered by Reliant Motor Co, in conjunction with Hodge Finance, for most of the company's vehicles, including the Robin van.......
Erf Gets Big Order
ORDERS FROM South African Railways for 102 commercial vehicles, valued at over £1.28 million, for delivery during 1975, have been placed with ERF Ltd. The vehicles will be assem......
Scotcros Profits Up
A 10 per cent rise in pre-tax profits to £227,000 from 206,000 was announced last week by Scotcros Ltd, the parent company of A. C. Penman, Dumfries Ltd, for the half year to......
Tes For Merc
TRANSPORT Engineering Services (TES) have been appointed Mercedes-Benz truck main dealers for South West Scotland. The dealership will be based from Greenock.......
Perkins For Vw
A CONTRACT with Perkins Engines to supply Volkswagen with diesel engines for a new utility vehicle is expected to be announced soon. The engine blocks will be made initially at......