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I Understand That There Are Proposals To Increase The Heavy
goods vehicle licence and test . fees. Can you say what the new fees will be if the proposals are implemented and when will the change take place? If the proposals at present......
Q In A Recent Issue Of Cm You Said That
the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1974 needed a Statutory Instrument before they became law though more recently you pointed out that Schedule 6 to this Act had already......
Q We Are Just Beginning To Oper Ate Vehicles With
demountable bodies and, as we intend to demount the bodies with the goods inside them, we have been able to fax the vehicles at a rate of dutiā¢ which excludes the weight of the......
When Does An Attendant Become Necessary When A Vehicle Is...
A Article 24 of the Motor , Vehicles (Authorization of Special Types) General 'Order 1973 lays down the requirements for attendants. An attendant is required when vehicles are......