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Lt Orders Bristols To Replace Rfs
AN ORDER for 95 single-deck buses on Bristol chassis' has been placed by London Transport for delivery in 1975-76 to replace its ageing RFs. The vehicles will have 2.3m (7ft......
Scots Mps Press For More Co-ordination
A GROUP of Scottish Labour MPs has urged operators and local authorities to improve co-ordination of public transport operators. Addressing a passenger transport action......
0-licence Fees Up
FEES for operators' licences are being increased from £4 to £5 from January I or substantive applications. The £1 interim licence fee is now payable in advance and a similar fee......
Doe Tackles Boredom
A WORK RESEARCH UNIT in the Department of Employment has been set up to help firms tackle problems of stress caused by boring or limited jobs. According to Mr Michael Foot,......