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Deadlock 07 Rates
From a Special Correspondent H AVING failed to agree on a Community rates system for road, rail and inland waterways despite two full days devoted to the subject, the EEC......
Seven New Test Stations Aar. G. Turvey, Trta Assistant...
told an Edinburgh area meeting this week that there were now 70 operators with 600 vehicles in the London maintenance scheme. He also said that MoT testing stations are to be......
The Case Against Big New Liner Terminals
R EASONS why the Government has decided that no case has yet been made for a new major liner terminal at Portbury (Bristol) or elsewhere are given in a paper* published on......
legislation next year 'LEGISLATION to permit introduction of subsidies for public transport will be considered next year, Mrs. Barbara Castle said on return from the USA on......
New Goods Transpol Survey Starts In June
THE Ministry of Transport is to stari second national survey of road goods tr port in June 1967. It will follow basically same lines as the 1962 survey—whose results were......
Questions Answered
Answers were given in the House Commons on Wednesday on the follcon subjects: Concessionary fares The Association of Local Authorities v asked for their views on what would......
Food Regulations Criticized
THE new food regulations for delivery vein were excessively expensive and virtually practicable, Lord Nugent of Guildford sait the House of Lords last week. He asked that I......