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Cl I Understand There Has Been A Recent Amendment To...
A The Petroleum Spirit (Conveyance by Road) (Amendment) Regulations 1966 came into operation on September 28. The Petroleum-Spirit (Conveyance by Road) Regulations 1957 provide......
Q Is There An Organization Which Offers Training Or...
A The Institute of Personnel Management, 5 VVinsley Street, Oxford Circus, London W1, is the recognized professional body. It publishes many pamphlets on detailed aspects of......
Q One Hears So Much About The Possibilities Of...
from road to rail but few hard facts to support the contention. Are any available? A It will be strongly argued by the supporters of freedom of choice that the present balance......
Q . Why Are The Edges Of Loading Platforms
not fitted with suitable buffer devices more often to minimize damage to tail boards and rear extremities of bodies when lorries are being reversed into bays? A Some loading......
0 . There Is Such A Wealth Of Mechanical
handling equipment on the market that, as a potential user, I find it hard to choose between what appear to be almost identical designs and I should be glad of your comments. A......
Q How Does One Apply For A Carrier Licence To Remove...
at all a simple matter. It is necessary for prospective operator to prove to the Licensir Authority in his area that there is need for ti service which it is intended to provide......
N Since The Advent Of The Industrig
Training Act and subsequent appoint ments of the various boards there seems t be a surfeit of organisations concerne with training and allied subjects so that is difficult for......