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Novel Features On Nottingham Fleetlines
UURTHER modifications to the specifi cation of the striking rear-engined double-deckers now associated with Nottingham City Transport have been made on a batch of 30 Daimler......
Bus Operators Fight Road Chac
B RITAIN'S bus operators, including] don Transport, on Tuesday launch campaign called "Travellers' Joy?" to b home to public authorities and traveller: economic and social......
Next Week: A Big P.s.v. Issue
T HE November 4 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR Will be the annual Passenger Vehicles Number, much bigger than a normal issue and containing detailed analyses of Britain's municipal......
Mayor Backs Local Control Of Buses
STOCKTON - ON - TEES Corporation has de cided to oppose any proposal that Tees-side's municipal bus services should be formed into an autonomous undertaking when the new......
Eastern National Lights The Way
PASTERN NATIONAL has erected a large illuminated sign over its coach station entrance at 250 Pentonville Road, King's Cross, so that the site of its entrance can be seen from a......
Eyms Crews Still On Strike
H OPES for a speedy end to the st involving about 500 busmen emplc by East Yorkshire Motor Services of 1 (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, October 21) I faded and there is deadlock between......