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First Delivery
SCOTTISH Bus Group's Central SMT fleet has taken delivery of the first of its recently-placed order for Leyland National 52-seat singledeckers. They are to operate on local......
Network Growth
ONE HUNDRED and fifteen miles of new motorway route and 5.5 miles of widening were under construction on December 1 in England said John Horam, Under Secretary for Transport, in......
Road Wins
ABOUT 80 per cent of liquified petroleum gas is carried by road and about 20 per cent by rail — said Transport Minister William Rodgers.......
Debate Needed
A GENERAL transport debate in the Commons was long overdue, declared Dudley Smith (Tory, Warwick and Leamington) last week. Everyone was worried about the incursion of heavy......
Strike Cost
EMERGENCY car parking arrangements were brought into force in the West Midlands last week when West Midlands PTE bus drivers and conductors went on strike for three days before......
Drivers' Pay Claim Threatens Chaos
THE THREAT of total industrial chaos was still hanging over road transport operation as CM went to press. Road tanker drivers at Esso, BP, and Texaco were banning overtime and,......
Spanish Permits
THE Department of Transport has announced that from January 1 1979 special Spanish permits known as "yellow cards" will be available from the International Road Freight Office,......
Hungary Detours
BRITISH hauliers opera into Hungary with no signated destination are, b■ strongly advised to avoid Budapest region. Congestion as a resul major road and bridge rec struction has......