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An Important, Transaction.
Reote.i, Ltd.; .the well-known rnoton, vehicle cnstrioutors and engingers, of 141, New Bond Street, Locidom W.; and Maidstone, Dorking, etc., inform us that they have acquired......
Tractors In Turkey.
Before the war the only tractors used in Turkey came from Germany, and were propelled by steam. Since 1918, however, petrol and kerosene tractors of the light wheel type have......
Non-poisonous Road Materials. The Report Of The Roads...
which was appointed to study the influence on fish and other forms of stream life of washings from bituminous .rea.ds. which has just been issued, details the elaborate......
A M.a.a. Presentation.
At their annual dinner, held at Cardiff recently, the members of the South Wales and Monmouthshire division of the Motor Agents' Association, made a presentation to Mr. E. W.......
Light Lorries For The American Army.
The United States Secretary for War has been recommended to introduse small lorries (weighing not over .900 lb.: and with a capacity of 450 lb.) into the army for cross-country......
A New Trade Directory.
We have received a copy of the "Motor and Allied Trades Directory," which has been compiled by the Motor Trades Directory, Ltd. of 22-22a, Regent Skeet, London, Ltd., Thisiis an......
R.a.c. Officially Appointed Motor Schools.
The Royal Automobile Club has issued its list of officially appointed schools for instruction on motoring. The number of these schools is 14, and the districts covered include......
_ Second 7 Han.d 'bargains.
St. Paul's Commercial Garage, ILtd., St.'EauPs Lane, Bournemouth, infqriii us that they have just purchased a number of second-hand -cOinmercial Vehicles by well-known British......