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Potteries Bus Enterprise.
The Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., who ruu extensive services of buses in the Potteries, have 'under construction a large garage and workshops in Woodhouse Street,......
Taximeters And Privileged Cabs.
At a meeting of the Aldershot Town Council the town clerk reported on an interview with a representative of the Southern Railway relative to the compulsory use of taximeters on......
Small Buses For Winter Work.
For some time past the West Hartlepool Corporation has been faced with the difficulty of continuing its road service between Seaton Carew and Port Clarence, but has at last......
By Road To The Scottish Show.
In the interests of those travelling to Scotland by road in order to attend the Scottish Motor Show, which is being held in Glasgow, the Automobile Association has, for the......
• Cumberland Bus Growth.
Discussing the development of the company's business at the annual gathering of members of the staff of the Cumberland .Motor Services, Ltd., who operate a network of very......
South Wales M.a.a. Dine.
Proposing the toast, " The Motor Trade," at the annual dinner of the South Wales and Monmouthshire division ,af the Motor Agents' Association, the Chief Constable of Cardiff......
Lorry Speculation In Japan• Warnings Are Being Received...
that the motor lorries that have been imported into the country since the abolition of the tariff duty are not being absorbed. The Japanese, it is stated, are inveterate......
For Carrying Milk Churns.
Ths illustrations reproduced on th'es page show a 3-4-ton Dennis tilt lorry recently supplied to Howard's Dairies, Ltd., of Westeliff-on-Sea, which has been specially built for......