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Second Hand But First Class
Tim Blakemore gives his verdict on a well maintained Seddon Atkinson, Brian Weatherley took e pictures EHE ATTRACTION of buying ;econd-hand vehicles must rise It about the same......
The Grace That Launched £1000
A PASSENGER was apparently so astonished to meet a courteous Lothian Region bus driver that she gave him £1000. He first impressed her with his tactful but masterful handling of......
Kind Hearts At East Lothian
I AM NOT indulging in a backhanded compliment when I say that employees at Lothian Region's Marine garage, Seafield, Edinburgh, are a splendid lot, too. When they heard that a......
Suicide Line At Hull?
"VIRTUALLY every day one of the 800 lorry drivers based in Hull comes face to face with a strike. It could be anywhere . But that strike has something to do with him. He is......
Male Models Reveal It All
SPLENDID likenesses in ticine by Simon Hensha Barney White (managing tor), John Bradley (man marketing), and Alan Cr& (comptroller) all of Se , Atkinson, tell employeeE .......