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Hauliers Too Slow
IAULIERS are too slow in recovering iebts from their customers, and could Inprove their cash flow greatly if they .dopt a more forceful attitude. So says an adependent analysis......
No April Fooling
LEADING tachograph manufacturers assured CM this week that, with only a few exceptions, vehicles registered on or after December 1, 1979, will be fitted and calibrated with......
No More Centres
UNDER Secretary for Transport Kenneth Clarke has announced in the House of Commons that he has no intention of approving more than the 450 planned tachograph calibration......
Private Chunnel?
TRANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler is looking to private capital to finance the Channel Tunnel. Mr Fowler told Parliament that he has been examining preliminary proposals by......
Westm Nste Haul
I KNOW how Tony Marlow feels, for like him I have often driven down the M4 to Newport. And like him I have not been over-impressed by what he calls "those great cinemascope......