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Rogers Wants Curbs On Kerbside Hauliers
Some responsibility for treet parking rests with the ;sue of ,0-licences by the arious Licensing Authorities. 4_,C should satisfy itself, and ot leave it entirely to the......
People Fear Lorries'
ESENT trends of freight distribution must be reversed for the gl of the environment, Transport 2000's Nick Lester told the DM/GLC conference. [e said that figures backed Us......
Give Me Moondrop
MOONDROP all-night lorry deliveries could become a feature of the 1980s, according to the Freight Transport Association's Richard Turner. He told the joint CPDM/ GLC conference......
Buying Stonefiel
SEVERAL BRITISH co panies are interested in bur the Scottish Develop Agency's 76 per cent sha Stonefield Vehicles Ltd. American motor indui executive Joe Tripoli longer in the......