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Wilson Putting :lock Back, Iauliers Claim
11 It was disappointing that Mr Harold Vilson should apparently be trying to bring he transport industry once again into the ockpit of politics, said Mr John Silbermann Brent......
,therals Appoint Ransport Pokesman
Mr Graham Tope, the Liberal victor Sutton and Cheam, has been appointed irty spokesman on transport and the vironment in the Commons. Mr Tope, 28, said he would give his full......
Iffice Move Fta
Three of the FTA's divisional offices ve moved to new addresses. These are: st Midland: 1 Pelham Avenue, ittingham, NG5 IAN (tel 0602-62152); ith-Western and South Wales: 3-8......
Kill The Rail Myth Says Fta Official
• The myth that rail transport could take the place of road as the prime distributor of freight in the UK should be killed once and for all. Mr E. Brown, secretary of the......
New Bullens Links In Europe
• Bullens Group, the Giltspur Investments subsidiary, has acquired American Overseas Shipping, a company which specializes in the packing and transporting of household......
Wit Membership Grows
• The Institute of Road Transport Engineers reports that during the past 12 months its membership has increased from 6758 to 7384. The Institute is forming new centres in......
Caravan Conduct Code
• Members of the caravan hauliers' group of the Road Haulage Association have reported a growing demand for delivery of caravans to the Contintent. The group has adopted a code......
Dundee Freightliners
• A freightliner terminal is to be built at the site of the former West Station, Dundee, at a cost of £250,000. It will be for the exclusive use of Dundee, Perth and London......