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Bus Beats Train For Efficiency — Proof From A Glc Planner
I Proof that an express bus service is nore efficient than an urban railway system s provided by an article in the current ssue of The Journal of Transport Tconomics and Policy,......
Dole Better Than Bus Fares
• A careers officer has blamed high bus 'ares for the number of school leavers on be dole. Mr F. Rogers, area careers officer 'or the Chelmsley Wood suburb of Birmingham, said......
Coach Station Improvements
• National Travel (NBC) Ltd has announced that it is making major improvements to London's Victoria coach station. The project comprises two parts: to roof over the entire north......
Gus Orders 2500 Leylands
• An important £2.4m order for British Leyland vehicles has been placed by Great Universal Stores Ltd through its subsidiary GUS Transport, with Leyland distributors Mann......