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Charrold Designs Frameless Bulk Trailer
II A frameless, gravity-discharge bulk :emi-trailer has been produced by Charrold _td, Huntingdon, and has been supplied to )au1s and Sandars Ltd, Grantham maltsters. The......
Scania Name Change
• Scania-Vabis (Great Britain) Ltd has changed its name to Scania (Great Britain) Ltd. This follows the completion of the legal requirements involved in the merger in Sweden of......
Certificated Yellow Plates
• The white and yellow reflex — reflecting registration number plates which have been compulsory on almost all motor vehicles registered since January 1 can be sold only when a......
Peyton Proposes Silencer
"itandards • Mr John Peyton is considering ways of strengthening the law on emission of excessive smoke and the introduction of instrumented test procedures. When he announced......
Inrad Repair Consortium Formed
• A limited company had been formed by an independent consortium of more than 50 privately owned firms in the radiator repair trade. Called Inrad Services Ltd, the company is......
Same-day Parts Service
• A 24-hour service for the dispatch of bearings and pistons by means of a semiautomated mechanical handling warehouse system utilizing a computer on a new 15-acre site is run......