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Chassis Tax Likely To Be Retained
THERE seems to be little likelihood that purchase tax will be removed from commercial-vehicle chassis before the Budget in April. A statement made in the House of Commons on......
Radio For Bedford Van
A RADIO set made to measure for the Bedford CA 10-12-cwt. van is available from Vauxhall-Bedford dealers and is priced at £18 18s. including tax, plus £1 19s. 6d. for the......
Good Haulage Service— But Law Was Broken
T O give their South Wales customers a good haulage service, Jesse Smith and Sons, Blackheath, Staffs, kept one of their vehicles on the road round the clock, it was stated at......
B Licence Grant For Hauling Tractor
A LIME-SPREADING contractor and 1 - 1 hay and straw merchant told the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, last week, that one of his biggest problems was......
Central Control For Roads And Cleansing In London Proposed
P ROPOSALS for centralizing the administration of highways and the organization of refuse collection and disposal in London have been made to the Royal Commission on Local......
Pneumo-cyclic Plate Change
S INTERED-BRONZE outer clutch plates for the top-gear operation of the fully automatic four-speed and semiautomatic five-speed Pneumo-Cyclic gearboxes are to be introduced as......