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Pri Vate-party Operator Seeks To Run Tour : Strongly...
seven-day tour from Leeds to Rams g ate, to be operated by Tetley's Motor Services, Leeds, was stron g ly opposed when it came before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners last......
Little On Transport At Cleansing Conference A Part From The
demonstration of PA vehicles and earth:movin g e q uipment, and a paper on dustless refuse collection by Mr. R. F. Millard, deputy director of public cleansin g , St.......
Corner Cab Doors On New Parcels Vans
A NEW fleet of Albion Claymore underfloor-en g ined parcels vans is bein g delivered to Cusick Transport (Southern). Ltd., Parkstone, Dorset, by Barrett's of Pendleton, Bazaar......
League Of Safe Drivers F Ourteen Drivers Of Heavy...
by Gallaher, Ltd., London, S.W.6, will take the preliminary and advanced tests for membership of the Finchley Lea g ue of Safe Drivers on January 31. The Lea g ue is organized......
By-pass Damage Inquiry A N Ur G Ent Detailed Investi G...
Preston by-pass is being made on the instructions of Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport. The road has been closed because of dama g e by water and frost. Mr. Watkinson......
Air-sprung Iicarus A Prototype Rear-en G Ined 37-seat Ra...
be exhibited at the 1959 Budapest Industrial Fair. Desi g nated the Ikarus 303, it has air-suspension and is claimed to cruise at 55 m.p.h.......
Black Outlook For Hull Transport Withan Estimated Deficit...
VY for the year endin g March 31, Hull Corporation's transport undertakin g faced a black outlook unless there was a complete reappraisal of the city's services, said Cllr. D.......
Leyland Engine In T.v.w. Chassis A S1x-wheeled 20-ton- G...
a Leyland 0.375 oil en g ine, drivin g throu g h a Leyland-Albion six-speed overdrive-top g earbox has been completed by Transport Vehicles (Warrin g ton), Ltd., John Street,......
Brown Brothers Expand N Ew Premises Have Been Opened By...
Brothers, Ltd., at Horseley Fields. Wolverhampton. Comprising three floors and a basement, with a floor area of about 33,000 s q . ft., the building incorporates the tyre......