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Quick Testing
A LTHOUGH wheel balancing is not widely practised by operators of heavy vehicles in this country, it is commonly done in Australia where II is considered that improved tyre .......
Three Batteries T Hree 6-volt Batteries Are Newly...
, Motor Accessories, Ltd., 50 Oxgate Lane, London, N.W.2. The smallest has 17 plates and a capacity at the 10-hr. rate of 10i amn.-hr. A 19-plate unit has a capacity of 121......
Thicker Hardboard H Ardboard Is Now Being Made In Panels...
thick by the Bowater Organization, and is obtainable through the usual channels. The greater struc......
Surform Plane
THE Craftsman is a plane incorporat ing a Surform blade which has been introduced by Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., Treforest, Glam, especially for professional users. It has a......
Sandwich Door A Garage Door, Of The Up-and-over Type, Has...
produced by Westland Engineers, Ltd., Yeovil, Somerset, with a 2-in, layer of Polyzote expanded polystyrene sandwiched between plywood. The sandwiched material was produced by......
Pins And Bearings T He Latest British Standards Concern...
pins and the dimensions of ball and parallel-roller bearings. That concerning pins aligns with American and Continental standards inasmuch as the nominal length is defined as......