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R.h.e. Workers Talk 6
Strike Action Crisis Stage Being Reached : "Discontent and Frustration" By a Correspondent M IDLAND trade-union leaders said last week that the crisis stage is now being reached......
Higher Deficits Face Municipalities Standard May Make
• • • • TRANSPORT undertakings all over the country, in the face of serious deficits, increasing costs and falling revenue, are being forced to cut services and apply for......
I T Is Understood That A Small Oil Engine Has
been developed by the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., for use in the Ferguson tractor and possibly as an interchangeable unit for the petrol engine fitted to the Standard Vanguard......
Vandervell Wins Bearing Case
I N a reserved judgment on June 23, the House of I.ords held that the patent granted to the Cleveland • Graphite Bronze Co., U.S.A., for the production of thin-wall bearing......
Tyre Prices Lip Again
A s from June 22, the prices of new tyres and tubes were increased by 12i per cent. For some weeks there has been a talk of possible increases and the continuing high price of......