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Vehicle Advisory Panel Set Up
T HE constitution of the advisory panels representing sections of the engineer* ind u st r y has been announced by the Production Engineering Research Association. • The Road......
Glasgow's Continental •
DROBABLY the first experiment in • B r ita i n with the Continental method of carrying more stand:ng than seated passengers on a single-deck trolleybus is to be tried out in......
Men In The News
MR. A. W. G. WOODWARD, chief engineer of the Tees-side Railless Traction Board, has retired after 30 years with the undertaking. MR. J. R. PAYNE, Scottish sales manager of the......
In A Line Or Two
Swansea Corporation is to equip six ambulances with Pye radio-telephone equipment. A branch of the Omnibus Pas: sengers' Protection Association has been formed at Hull. Members......
Concern Expressed Over 30-m.p.h. Limit
rONCERN was expressed by the National Road Transport Safety Council last week about the " renewed pressure" being brought upon the Ministry of Transport to raise the speed limit......