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Holland To Assemble Seddon Vehicles •
As, MANUFACTURING licence has been granted to Kemper en Van Twist, Dordrecht, for the assembly of Seddon vehicles in Holland. The various components, required for the......
Record Attendance At Pude Convention
T HE 21st session of the Exide service agents' convention, held at Torquay last week, was marked by a record attendance in which nearly 700 delegates from Great Britain, Malaya,......
Kirkstall Lini(wp In Australia
VI . is understood that Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., Leeds, manufacturer of heavy axle assemblies, is to be equal partner with Messrs. Repco, Melbourne, in the early formation of a......
* 6 Produce R.t.c. Chairman" A Napplication To Produce As...
Cyril Hurcomb, chairman of ihe British Transport Commission, was made fast week by Mr. R. Reader Harris, M.Pe representing the London Passengers' Association, before the......
Sugar-beet Reminder
A REMINDER to hauliers that applications for short-term licences for the carriage of sugar-beet during the coming season should be made at least eight weeks before the required......
Engineer Available
A SKILLED engineer who has held important executive positions with transport and civil-engineering concerns and is experienced in the operation, buying and shipping of......
Taking Advantage Of Extra Width
O NE of the first, if not the first, operator in the country to take advantage of the permission for general operation of 8-ft.-wide buses is the Western Welsh Omnibus Co.,......
List Of 400 Transport Cafes
A USEFUL list of nearly 400 transport cafes and rest houses has been issued by the Bedford Drivers' Club, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, Beds. Every establishment concerned was......
I.r.t.e. Visits Maidstone Works
PI A LARGE party of members of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers visited the extensive works, at Maidstone, of Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., and Vulcan Motors, Ltd., on June......