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Pickfords B.f.m.f.a. Dispute : Approach To Minister Next...
T HIS week, a special meeting was called by the British Furniture Manufacturers' Federated Associations to decide the terms by which representations are to be made to the......
Vehicle Output Likely To Fall
IT is unlikely that the high rate of out1 put of commercial vehicles set up in the first half of this year will be maintained. As reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week,......
R.h.a. And Denationalization
A NTICIPAT1NG the possibility of a tA General Election in the autumn, the national council of the Road Haulage Association is likely to hold a meeting in September to consider......
B.r.s. Earns 16m. A Month
I N the four weeks to July 15 last, British Road Services . earned £6,157,000. Revenue for the 28 weeks to July 15 amounted to E40,517,000. Both these figures show a substantial......