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Deflation Move At Glasgow : Derby Still Worried
S UBMITTING proposals to the transport committee for raising the minimum tram and t - 011eybus fare to 2d. and maintaining the minimum motorbas fare at 3d, Mr. E. R. L.......
Men In The News
MR, JOHN Bowstapt has been appointed assists a public relations officer of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., MR. G. A. w. LAIRD, general manager of the factory of Rootes, Ltd., in......
Mr. Noel Kindle, 'managing Director Of Hindle Smart And Co.,
Ltd., manufaCturer of Hetics battery-electric vehicles is leaving on Septernber .6 for a four-day tour of Holland. He will • be following up . inquiries obtained by -his......
. Mr. K. L. 'bannister,, A.m.i.mecit E,...
of the •Leylaod .bodybuilding factory, has sailed for avisi, to thc U.S.A. under a _scheme sponsored by the Economic Co-operation Administration which enables production......
Cromard Prices Increased
R ISING costs of raw materials, etc., have forced an increase in the prices of Cromard cylinder liners manufactured by the Laystall Engineering Co., Ltd., 53, Great Suffolk......
Dunlop £187,500 Extension
A WARRANT to extend its Victoria works at Dunfermline has been granted to the Dunlop Rubber Co:, Ltd.. A single-storey building, which will cost £187,500, is to be erected on a......