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New Perkins Units : Dollar Effort A 1-iint That New Types
of engine will be manufactured by F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, was given by the nianaging director, Mr. Frank Perkins, recently in a talk to his employees. Speaking of the......
Over 30,000 Speeding Cases
j AST year. there were 30,291 convic1- , tions in cases of goods vehicles exceeding the 30, m.p.h. or 20 m.p.h. speed limits. A total of 2,486 prosecutions was brought against......
I.o.t.a. Meetings
CUTURE meetings of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— September 10, lecture on British Road Services organization by R. P. Bowyer, Crown Hotel.......
Self-loading Antar 25-tonners
T O meet the special requirements of the Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has recently completed a new version of the Mighty Antar six-wheeled......
Users Want Freedom On The Road
NORMOUS • financial losses are J — t sustained year after year because of delays, breakages and pilferage on the South African railways, says the South African Association of......