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I Have Noticed Large Markings On Mi Which Involve A
large "J" followed by a number. Could .vou say for what these are ntended? These are experimental markings and denote the proximity of a junction from which other traffic is......
Have Been Offered Traffic Hich Involves Picking Up A R
the North of England and it to my depot in Kent. The destined for France, and a triver will take it there after 1 another loaded trailer, for 'o the North by my driver. As hicks......
Q Could You Please Say What Is The Minimum Weekly
wage which can he paid to a heavy goods vehicle driver and what is the minimum subsistence for nights out? A Road Haulage Wages Council Order R H(99), which became effective......
Q My Company Has A Vehicle Which Weighs 5 Tons
unladen and which is used mainly on site work. From time to time it has to use the public roads, hut because its mileage is restricted while doing so, the vehicle is exempt from......