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Lore Municipal Drivers Claim Iulage Pay Parity
3TRIKE by around rivers in Glasgow g parity with haulage iv rates (CM January s entered its third ind on Monday 162 drivers making lr demands in 301 also struck. ;pokesman for......
Orange Markings For Danger
VEHICLES carrying dangerous goods to overseas destinations can carry orange reflector plates from February 12 when the Motor Vehicles (Rear Markings) Regulations 1975 SI 29......
Oomy Picture Or Leyland
1.00MY picture for Leyland in 1975 is in the Corpora annual report for just published. Profits taxation were £2.3m iared with £51.3m in but a Om tax bill an overall loss of 1.......
Less Red Tape
EEC member countries need no longer make frontier checks on third-party insurance liability (the green card) for vehicles normally based in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the......
Hay's Wharf Profits Up
OVERALL profits of Hay's Wharf Ltd, for the quarter ended December 31, 1974, were 32 per cent above those of the same period in 1973, according to the chairman, Sir David H.......
Braid Group Profit Drops
THE Braid Group Ltd tax-paid profit for the year ended September 30, 1974 fell to 080,049 from £298,874 in the previous year. Turnover was £13,337,068 (1973: £15,721,631). .......