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West Yorks Pte Negotiates With Nbc
THE West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and the National Bus Company are negotiating to jointly form a management company whose functions will include the integration......
Rsa's First Exams In Passenger Transport
THE FIRST examination under the Royal Society of Arts new Certificate in Road Passenger Transport will be held in May this year. A new scheme for the road haulage sector is......
End To Crosville Crew Ban
FROM this Sunday the fourmonth ban on operating latenight local bus services in the Llandudno Junction area will be lifted by Crosville bus crews. The ban, which was imposed......
Spare Parts Delays
AT ANY TI ME over the past six months the National Bus Company has had between 250 and 300 vehicles out of service which had been waiting for four weeks or more for spare parts......
Appt For
Bournemouth BOURNEMOUTH has been chosen as the venue for the 1975 annual conference of the Association of Public Passenger Transport, to be held in the week beginning September......
Ulm In Subsidies For Welsh Transport
CENTRAL Government was spending over f 8 m on subsidies to public transport in Wales in the current financial year, and this excluded any contribution through rate support......
400 Nutiont
for Venezuel THE largest export orc for Leyland National: signed last week wit Federal District of Cara Venezuela. Worth mon film, the deal cal delivery of 400 buses I the......