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Yasey Firm Closes As John Stays In Jail
by Jennifer Ball The wife of a Newcastle-uponTyne haulier imprisoned in France six months ago for allegedly smuggling 12.5m worth of cannabis has been forced to close the firm......
Skills Council Gets Chair And Full Board
• The new Skills for Logistics (SfL) body, which takes over from the Road Haulage and Distribution Training Council, last week appointed its chairman and board. Its chairman is......
Sleepless In Us
Road safety campaigners want drowsy driving to be made a criminal offence In the UK in the same way as drink driving. The call, from road safety charity Brake, follows new......
Scottish Protest £30m Drop In Roads Spending
IN The Scottish Executive's spending on road repairs and maintenance will be frozen until 2006 amid protests that the country's infrastructure is being neglected. Figures......