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New Rolls Diesel Factory
THE SECRETARY of State for Industry Eric Varley officially has opened a major new Rolls Royce diesel engine factory at Shrewsbury. The new plant is part of a five-year......
Bolt-on Ratios
A BOLT-ON overdrive unit for the Range Rover is now available from Leyland Cars Parts outlets. The unit (part No GLR 137) will add to the vehicle gear ratios giving a total of......
Road Repairs
MERCEDES-Benz truck centre at Borehamwood has developed a fully equipped mobile commercial vehicle repair unit to provide rapid assistance to operators in the NW London and......
Map Yet Imbo Gets Le Power
MAN Concessionaires Ltd is extending its range of he haulage tractive units will "Jumbo" 6x6 unit with a of 160,000Kg (150 tons). The .vehicle, designa 38.320 DFAT, is powered......
Noboti Ette
AC DELCO, part of General Motors empire, is first company to mark( maintenance-free batterl Britain. For the time being at le the Freedom battery impoi from the US will only be......