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Haulage Loses An Enfant Terrible
IN THE DEATH of Eddie Shaw (Commercial Motor, February 11) the road haulage industry has lost a celebrated enfant terrible. Everyone was out of step except our Eddie and he had......
More Rubbish From Ken Livingstone?
ENCOURAGED by opinion polls showing that many ratepayers do not agree with Mrs Thatcher's plans to abolish the Greater London Council, Ken Livingstone and his Labour friends are......
The Man Who Coined , 'ergonomics" Dies
"WHAT'S ERGONOMICS?" people asked when a commercial-vehicle manufacturer first announced that its new driver's cab incorporated those principles. It meant, they discovered, that......
Where The Bear Goes, There Goes The Maz
THIS is the new MAZ-543293971 artic, made in Minsk. It has a load-carrying capacity of 21 tons and, with overhauls needed only every 400,000km (248,000m), is intended for......
Reduced Crime And Safer Bus Crews?
IT IS TO be hoped that bus crews have benefited by last years' five per cent reduction in recorded robbery and other violent theft in London. They should find greater security......
A Right Little Paddy Over Lorry Drivers
SOME PEOPLE are easily incensed. A reader who conceals his identity behind the initials K.M and claims Reading as his address is one. He has worked himself into a lather because......