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Overland To India By Am-conditioned Coach
A COACH service from London to Calcutta and Bombay will be inaugurated by Garrow-Fisher Tours, Ltd., on October 17. The vehicle which is to operate this new scheduled route is......
Rural Bus Services To Be Investigated A Ninvestigation...
deterioration of public transport services in Yorkshire" is to be conducted by Yorkshire Rural Community Council. This decision was taken last week following a report by Mr. A.......
Traders To Consider Waiting Bans
A RESOLUTION urging the Minister L"A of Transport to remove the 30 m.p.h.. speed limit from vans of up to 1 ton carrying capacity will be considered by the National Chamber of......
• £196 Prizes Offered In Competitions
nETAILS. of two competitions—one for essays and the other for drawings— were annouticed this week. The eSsay competition is a new venture by the Institute of the Motor Industry......
"competition Helps To Improve Maintenance " .
THROUGH holding a "best kept I vehicle" competition . each year, Manchester Cleansing Department save thottsands of pounds, Aid. James Fitzsimons, Lord Mayor, said last week. He......