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Esso Gets
M -way servi ▪ ce contract • The Transport Minister has awarded to Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. the contract for the development of Leigh Delamere service area, near Chippenham,......
Stoneybeck Café Appeal Lost
• The Minister of Housing and Local Government has dismissed the appeal of Mrs Berta McCrone (CM August 22) against the refusal of planning permission by Cumberland County......
Northern Hauliers Raise Rates
• An increase in haulage rates by 10 per cent, due to "ever increasing costs hauliers are unable to absorb was decided upon last week by the Leeds and District Hauliers......
Carlisle To Seek Sites
• Carlisle City Council is recommended by its planning committee to authorize its city engineer to consider possible sites for location of the transport industry, which is said......
Short-cuts Barred
• The Ministry of Transport has confirmed an Order made by Northumberland County Council restricting to three tons the weight of vehicles using certain country roads in......
Container Transport
by David Lowe Through services to Canada CANADIAN PACIFIC, the largest trucking organization in Canada, and the third largest in North America in addition to operating the......