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Will Metro-scania Break Through?
by Derek Moses • British bus operators placing orders with Metro-Cammell Weymann Ltd. for the new Metro-Scania 11-metre integral singledeck bus (CM August 1) this month, could......
Uk/us May Co-operate
on urban transport • The Minister of Transport is to meet the United States Secretary for Transportation, Mr. Volpe, next month, to see how far Great Britain and the USA can......
N B C Forms Marketing Network
• The National Bus Company has formed a headquarters marketing unit which will have the responsibility for the general organization and co-ordination of marketing. Initial plans......
Merseyside Pte Order Made
• Following the setting up of the Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority on April 1, Mr. Richard Marsh, Minister of Transport, has now made the Merseyside Passenger Transport......
Wind Of Transport Change
• The wind of change appeared to blow in diverse directions, said Mr. W. L. Russell, general manager, Dundee Corporation Transport, in his presidential address to the Municipal......
Ford Turbo-bus For Us Operator
• A prototype Ford gas turbine engine is being installed in an American continental Trailways bus which, after normal engineering testing, will be placed in regular service. The......
Scottish Fares Rising?
• Seven bus companies in the west and south-west of Scotland are applying for permission to increase their fares, following the applications to raise fares made a month ago by......